Fields & Resolvers
In GraphQL terms, a field is any requested piece of data (such as an id or name). A resolver fulfills the request for data from a schema field. It takes in a set of input arguments and produces a piece of data that is returned to the client. In GraphQL ASP.NET your controller methods act as resolvers for top level fields in any query.
Graph Type
A graph type is an entity on your object graph; a droid, a donut, a string, a number etc. In GraphQL ASP.NET your model classes, interfaces, enums, controllers etc. are compiled into the various graph types required by the runtime.
Query Document
This is the raw query text submitted by a client. When GraphQL accepts a query it is converted from a string to an internal document format that is parsed and used to fulfill the request.
Queries, Mutations and Subscriptions are all types of query documents.
Root Graph Types
There are three root graph types in GraphQL: Query, Mutation, Subscription. Whenever you make a graphql request, you always specify which query root you are targeting. This documentation will usually refer to all operations as "queries" but this includes mutations and subscriptions as well.
This is the set of public data types, their fields, input arguments etc. that are exposed on an object graph. When you write a graphql query to return data, the fields you request must all be defined on a schema that graphql will validate your query against.
Your schema is "generated" at runtime by analyzing your model classes, controllers and action methods then populating a GraphSchema
container with the appropriate graph types to map graphql requests to your controllers.
In GraphQL ASP.NET the schema is generated at runtime directly from your C# controllers and POCOs; there is no additional boilerplate code necessary to define a schema.